Outbound License Agreement


When it comes to licensing agreements, most people are familiar with the concept of inbound licensing – where a company licenses intellectual property from another company or individual. However, there is another type of licensing agreement that is just as important in the world of business: outbound licensing.

An outbound license agreement is when a company licenses its own intellectual property to another company or individual. This type of agreement is becoming more and more common as companies seek to monetize their intellectual property and expand their reach.

But what exactly is an outbound license agreement, and why is it important? Let`s take a closer look.

What is an Outbound License Agreement?

An outbound license agreement is a legal agreement between a company (licensor) and another company or individual (licensee) where the licensor grants the licensee the right to use its intellectual property. The intellectual property could be anything from patents and trademarks to copyrighted material and trade secrets.

The agreement typically outlines the terms of use, including the scope of the license, the duration of the license, and any limitations on the licensee`s use of the intellectual property. The licensor may also require the licensee to pay a fee or royalty for the use of the intellectual property.

Why is Outbound Licensing Important?

Outbound licensing is important for a number of reasons. For one, it allows companies to monetize their intellectual property and generate revenue. This is especially important for companies that invest heavily in research and development and want to recoup their costs.

Additionally, outbound licensing can help companies expand their reach and enter new markets. By licensing their intellectual property to other companies, they can tap into new customer bases and increase brand recognition.

Finally, outbound licensing can help companies protect their intellectual property. By licensing their intellectual property to other companies, they can ensure that it is being used in accordance with their wishes and prevent unauthorized use or infringement.


In today`s highly competitive business environment, outbound licensing is becoming increasingly important for companies that want to monetize their intellectual property, expand their reach, and protect their assets. By entering into outbound license agreements, companies can tap into new revenue streams and reach new customers while maintaining control over their intellectual property. As such, it is critical for companies to understand the ins and outs of outbound licensing and work with legal professionals to draft effective agreements.
