Agreement of Sale of Goods Template


Agreement of Sale of Goods Template: A Comprehensive Guide

When two parties come together to buy or sell goods, an agreement is necessary to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Without an agreement, there may be misunderstandings, disputes, and even legal ramifications. To avoid all of this, it’s important to have an agreement of sale of goods template that can guide you through the process.

A sale of goods agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale. It defines the details of the goods being sold, the price, and the responsibilities of both parties. It’s important to have a written agreement to avoid any confusion or disputes that may arise during or after the sale.

Now, let`s dive in and explore the different sections of a typical agreement of sale of goods template.

1. Introduction

The introduction of the agreement should identify the parties involved, the date of the agreement, and the specific goods being sold. This section should also state the purpose of the agreement and express the intent of both parties to enter into a legally binding contract.

2. Description of Goods

This section should describe the goods being sold in detail. Be as specific as possible, including any relevant details such as quantity, size, color, model number, or any other specific attributes. If there are any warranties or guarantees applicable to the product, they should be included here as well.

3. Terms of Sale

Here, the terms of the sale should be laid out. This includes the price of the goods, payment terms, and any other conditions that are relevant to the sale. For example, if there are any shipping fees or delivery charges, they should be stated in this section.

4. Delivery

The delivery section of the agreement outlines the details of how the goods will be delivered. It should include the delivery date, the method of transportation, and any specific instructions or requirements needed for the delivery to be successful.

5. Payment Terms

The payment terms section details how payment will be made and when it is due. This includes the total price of the goods, any applicable taxes, and any payment deadlines or milestones that must be met.

6. Warranties and Representations

This section refers to any guarantees or warranties that come with the goods being sold. It should define what is covered under the warranty and how long it will last. The seller should also include any representations about the product, such as its quality or condition, to ensure the buyer is aware of any potential issues.

7. Limitation of Liability

This section outlines the limitations of the seller`s liability for any damages or losses that may occur as a result of the sale. It’s important to be clear about the extent of liability each party will hold in the case of unforeseen circumstances.

8. Confidentiality

If there are any confidential or proprietary information involved in the sale, this section should outline the steps that will be taken to protect this information. This may include non-disclosure agreements or any other measures necessary to prevent the sharing of sensitive information.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The governing law and jurisdiction section refers to the laws that will govern the agreement and any subsequent disputes that may arise. It’s important to include this section to ensure that both parties are aware of their legal rights and obligations.


An agreement of sale of goods template can be a valuable tool for any business or individual looking to buy or sell goods. The template can help ensure that all parties involved are clear on the terms and conditions of the sale, and can help avoid any misunderstandings that may arise.

By using a comprehensive agreement of sale of goods template, businesses and individuals can protect themselves legally and ensure that they are getting the best deal possible. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, it`s important to take the time to create a tailored agreement that meets your specific needs and requirements.
